Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2024

ZNA gathering Montargil lake 2024

ZNA stands for Zeoxyribonucleic Acid.

ZNA is a strand that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all Zambu living organisms.

It’s similar to what you may know as DNA or Deoxyribonucleic Acid.

But there is a slight difference.

Some of us have been exposed to huge amounts of psychedelic emotions back in the nineties, many of us in the famous “Fluoresta do Zambujal”, where countless parties and the first three editions of the Boom festival took place.

These people are referred to as “ZambujAliens” or “Zambu”.

In this magic place and situation, many of us re-activated this extra link in our molecular sequence, and nothing was the same, ever again.

The Zambu share a ritual in which dancers are the main ingredients, and where it is all about the collective experience influencing the perception of the self and generating Love through Art, Dance and Togetherness.

The ZNA is the specific genetic code of the Zambu people.

The bearers of this genetic mutation have a special type of awareness and vibration.

This gene has been passed on to many others, by direct contact with the special Zambu vibrational pattern.

The worldwide expansion of this genetic sequence has been the case for many studies. again…

This whole theory is what breathes life into this concept, inspiring us to turn it into a reality.

Samstag, 25. Mai 2024

Montag, 15. Januar 2024

Landwirt*innen glauben nicht an Treckerparaden

Während die Bauern in Berlin mit dem vermeintlichen Druckmittel von Trecker Leerfahrten weiterhin Subventionen zu erpressen versuchen sind die Berber*innen in Azrou, Marokko, pragmatisch und an ihrem freien Tag, dem Neujahrs-Feiertag nicht faul. 

Montag, 1. Januar 2024

Ich habe Eddy Merckx überholt

Ich habe Eddy Merckx mit meinem Velo Solex überholt. Er war schnell, aber nicht schnell genug. Und mein Solex lief sauber 50 km/h - leicht bergab - Er trug das Trikot das jeder kennt. Steht ja groß sein Name drauf. Und er fuhr in Richtung Rabat, weit vor dem Peloton Hauptfeld (Paris- Rabat)
Mein erster Etappensieg im Neuen Jahr. Inschallah!

Unweit des reservierten Parkplatzes für Patienten ist DRINKS. Da kauft man die Zutaten für GinTonic etc.